Mar 19, 2017 StormSector
Deciding whether your business should or shouldn’t have a social media account can be easy for some and difficult for others. Social media can increase your audience, but it presents some unique challenges that you have to think about. We get questions from small businesses all of the time. Believe it or not, there are …read more
Sep 07, 2016 StormSector
One of the most important choices you can make involves which services you purchase for your business website. Unfortunately, many new and small businesses, especially restaurants, sign up for websites where they have no control over the content or domain name. In fact, if you don’t have control over your account password and username, it’s …read more
Jun 22, 2016 StormSector
Storm Sector offers many affordable diverse services, including restaurant menu design, banner creation, and digital marketing. Some of our experts have worked with restaurants for over ten years. Today’s market means you have to be really smart about advertising, especially if you’re a smaller restaurant. We want to help you grow your business, so here …read more