Information Security Experts
Your business may be at-risk for potentially devastating information security breaches, including unauthorized access, data destruction, identity theft, fraud, viruses, and tampering with critical data. Any one of these serious issues could break your business or even cause you to be liable for legal damages, especially if you handle transactions or personal data, such as healthcare information.
It's critical that your systems and data are secure. This also means management and employees must be aware of best practices for data security. Our experts can help your business maintain information security, perofrm risk assessments, social engineering testing, pen testing, forensics, and security awareness training.
Risk Assessment Services
Many companies start by asking us - how bad are we failing with information security? This is an important place to start because many businesses never conduct a professional risk assessment of information security status. A comprehensive risk assessment will help identify holes and weaknesses in existing company assets and policies. The best approach is to prevent security breaches, viruses, and theft before it happens. This is why risk assessment is critical.
Our risk assessment will examine your computer devices, communications tools, company network, employee practices, and transaction equipment (such as credit card payment systems). Experts conduct a risk assessment to identify outdated firmware, poor security processes, firewall and antivirus status, password complexity, your level of standards compliance (example: GDPR, HIPAA, PCI), and numerous other factors to determine your individual risk.
- Disaster Planning and Recovery
- Data Security Standards Compliance
- Social Engineering Testing
- Information Security Risk Assessment
- Cybersecurity Lectures
- Employee Data Security Awareness Training
- Penetration Testing
- Prevent Malware Downloads
- Prevent Virus Infections
We then draft a comprehensive review of your information security status. This document will describe what we found as well as the level of risk, impact, and suggested solutions. Technology is always changing, so are the threats to data, which means you must constantly be up-to-date on your information security status. Our services are affordable and our diverse expertise means we can potentially identify much more problems and solutions than other competitors.
Social Engineering Testing
One huge way people gain unauthorized access to your company data is through something called social engineering. Many companies are unaware of this danger and it could cost them millions in damages and liability. We can test your company for this attack method without the permanent, negative impacts of an actual attack. Our simulated attack tests your social engineering vulnerabilities and then we work with you to discuss the results of our test and our recommendations to address weaknesses we find.
Common social engineering attacks include phishing, physical breach, email manipulation, and call conversations. In fact, we're finding these are becoming more common in 2020. Unfortunately, employees and even managers are falling for these attacks, compromising company data and even their own identity and credentials. We're ready to work with your business to reduce your risk of this happening to you or your staff.
Penetration Testing
Penetration testing can be another tool for businesses to determine their risk of an attack from inside or outside of their business. We literally mean an attack coming from inside your building or outside of your physical location. We will conduct a controlled test for internal and external penetration vulnerability. We also look at what your employees are doing that might lead to an external or external breach. Once we perform these tests, we discuss the results with you as well as how you might address them to reduce your information security risks.
Digital Forensics
Our forensic services are integrated into our information security testing practices. We can dig deep into numerous electronic signatures, hidden from plain view, which can help detect intrusions, recover missing data, identify sources of attacks, examine file data, and perform traces.
Security Awareness Training
Effective business information security means management and staff are all utilizing the best, safe information security practices. Unfortunately, many businesses lack even basic data security training as part of their onboarding or ongoing training. This means your entire company is at-risk for major security breaches, digital attacks, viruses, identity theft, and other devastating vulnerabilities. Prevention is key and this means getting security awareness training as soon as possible.
We are one of the most affordable information security training companies in the country. Get effective training lectures for management and staff, focusing on cybersecurity threats, corporate protection, employee best practices, and quick-response procedures. Training is a small investment with a big return because preventing a major security threat from happening could save you millions in damages and legal costs.
Our training lectures are memorable, captivating, and effective in reducing corporate information security risk. Executives need training too. We also make it fun by offering unique training experiences for upper management and executives at luxury locations and outings.
We're Ready for Your Challenge
Storm Sector offers some of the most unique, extensive, and diverse science and technology expertise. We are one of the most affordable expert resources in the country. Our staff includes high-level advanced education, multiple industry certifications, decades of experience, a huge variety of in-house and third-party technical resources, and excellent feedback from our existing clients.
We're ready to work with you on your next challenge. We offer affordable rates, including per project, per day, and hourly rates. Contact us for more information.